This is an expected response to the murder of George Tiller, they will merely fill his position with someone else, although I am not as optimistic that changing the law will prevent abortions. People will still have abortions, it's just a matter of whether the mother will be put in danger or not because of the lack of medical license to perform them. While it's a truly sad situation on all aspects, I believe mothers are responsible for their actions and should they choose to abort their children their lives are in their own hands. But the laws on abortion must change.
Approaching this subject as social commentators, the question is whether we will be reductionistic or not. What I mean is, we sacrifice all considerations/ aspects on the issue reducing the level of complexity of questions, save one: the one we focus on. For example, we could approach it by proposing any number of things to fix the problem, such as:
- The murder of abortion doctors outside of the law (see how logical this argument is)
- Changing the laws
- Protesting abortion
- Start organizations
- Blog about it (I love contradicting myself)
- etc.
The "pro-life movement" has dabbled in all of these (if we can even include doctor murderers in this), but it is naive and foolish (and I would argue a tad idolistic) to think that we can fix this problem if we just do these things. Granted, Christians (and those who believe in the humanity of the unborn) should stand up for the truth, but at some point there must be recognition that our efforts are very limited. We cannot control the actions (much less the thoughts, if we are to believe Jesus' teaching on murder, Mt. 5:21) of others and make them be obedient to God, especially if they are unbelievers. It is cruel and foolish to think that we can force those who do not know God know him and obey his commandments, including the issue of abortion. Regardless of what the law is, people are going to continue breaking it and/or doing what they want. This doesn't mean we shouldn't try to change the laws to honor God's laws (to avoid being reductionistic on the other side), but we should behave with prudence regarding all aspects of the issue and accept where we are powerless, and obey the statues of the land we live in.
The solution as I see it is this: we must trust in God. In his justice, in his laws, in his power, in his involvement in the world, and in his empowerment of his followers to do the right things we must trust. This means we do all we can to stop the murdering of the unborn by changing the laws, while living in the land we do with the laws we have, which we must respect because of God's appointing of all world leaders. We should speak and publish and protest to defend the pro-life position (see Scott Klusendorf whose work on abortion is impressive and much better than this blog, this argument is unbeatable, also this one, which is shorter). Perhaps above all, we should pray for the country, that God would enact justice where it is due and have mercy on all.
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