Amazing Grace

Observe the rain that drops from heaven. It falls on the desert as well as on the fertile field. It drops on the rock that will refuse its fertilizing moisture as well as on the soil that opens its gaping mouth to drink it in with gratitude. See, it falls on the hard-trodden streets of the populous city, where it is not required and where men will even curse it for coming. It falls no more freely where the sweet flowers have been panting for it and the withering leaves have been rustling forth their prayers.
Such is the grace of God. It does not visit us because we ask for it, much less because we deserve it. But as God wills it, the bottles of heaven are unstopped and grace descends. No matter how vile and black and foul and godless men may be, He will have mercy on whom He will have mercy. That free, rich, overflowing goodness of His can make the very worst and least deserving the objects of His best and choicest love.

-Charles Spurgeon