Obama vs. Lincoln

 The below is an excerpt from an astute article regarding Obama's history with the abortion issue in comparison to Lincoln's history with the slavery issue:

In speech, action, and deference to the Constitution and laws, the contrast between Lincoln on slavery and Obama on abortion could hardly be plainer. While Lincoln was clear in speech, moderate in action, and put the Constitution above his most cherished policy goals, Obama has been obfuscatory in speech, immoderate in action, and has put his personal policy goals above the Constitution — including letting those goals strongly influence whom to nominate to the Supreme Court.

The Illogic of Abortion

A great brief story of victory on the abortion issue in Louisville, KY:

Go to story here

And a good quote from a related post on the illogic of abortionists:

Pro-choice individuals claim to have the best interest of the mother in mind (by the way, why do they refer to expecting ladies as “the mother” if they don’t believe there is a life?)

What would it take for us to make civil war today?

Just a random thought I had today. Today we are much more pacifist than we would probably admit, and it is a stark contrast to the revolutionaries and abolishers of the America's glorious past. What would it take for a significant number of American people to revolt? I don't believe in murdering abortion doctors, but if we really believe this is genocide and on par with the atrocities of slavery or tyranny, what is the proper response to something like this?

This is probably a controversial thing to say, but I'm mostly must being hypothetical. Perhaps that says more about the pacifism than anything, that I'm blogging about it instead of pursuing actual justice.

Michael Jackson's memorial service

I didn't watch it but I caught some clips and appreciate this insight from Tim Challies:
Jackson's service was an representation of just the kind of pluralism that has marked India. Everybody involved wanted to invoke God's name, as you're supposed to do when remembering a loved one, but it was clear that most of them invoked a god made in their own image. Even those who spoke of Jesus or who prayed to Jesus did so without any clear reference to the Jesus of the Bible. They spoke of a Jesus who accepts all and even (or perhaps especially) those who had rejected him. Never did Michael Jackson give any evidence of putting his faith in Jesus Christ, yet those who watched were assured, time and again, that he was now safe in the presence of the Lord, waiting there for the rest of us to arrive. Words and phrases invoked God and used the Christian lexicon but without any reference to the gospel, the true gospel, the gospel that saves. Lost men declared to other lost men untruths about the god they wish for, not the God who is.

I'm now a true liberal - Happy Independence Day!

What True Liberalism Is

The principles embodied in the Declaration of Independence, by the way, are what “liberalism” really is. Today the term “liberal” is used to refer to policies that seek to expand the place of government and give it a greater role in people’s lives. That’s not liberal — that’s conservative.

It’s conservative because it seeks to conserve the way the world functioned for thousands of years before the American Revolution — namely, a world where government saw its power as ultimate, rather than the God-given rights of the people as prior to the power of government.

What today is called “conservatism,” on the other hand, actually used to be called political liberalism because it advocated for change from the government-first ideology that dominated for almost all of human history before that. It advocated for the principles that we see outlined in the Declaration. That’s why on my Facebook profile I put my political views as classical liberalism.
 How enlightening, what a great idea.

Read the whole thing