If you have been around the buzz circle in Christianity lately, though it sounds so lame to even say and a large part of this "circle" is really just the blog world with a bunch of internet freaks with high speed connections, you may have heard a lot of choice phrases and terms being thrown out. Words like "emergent" and "emerging" (they are somehow different, though really the same). Words like "postmodern", "missional theology," "ecclesiology,", "theological trajectory," and "new monastic communities." What the heck is all this stuff?
I hope to try and answer these questions the best I can with the research I've done on it through a few different entries in the near future. Also, I want to present concerns and worries about this "new movement" in today's Christianity. I believe many good things are coming forth from this movement (the 'emerging church movement'), but I also believe there are some serious dangers that exist in these types of theological lines.
I would like to explain how this subject came up.
I was thinking a lot about missions, as can be seen in the past few blog entries, and I've also been hearing a lot about "emerging" churches from my own circle around the internet with the aforementioned freaks. I am witnessing some of my former bubble of Christian friends/buddies start to peak interest in this new movement, and many of them seem to be doing so because they sense a need for change or reform in today's church, which is largely denominational, and appears to be seeking revitalization from dead an dying traditions. This can be a good thing, but can also be a dangerous thing if it is not handled carefully I think.
So please indulge me if you would be so kind.
Later, all 1 of you.
Arrogance & Eloquence
[image: Eloquence]When Jesus's disciples asked for instruction on prayer,
he warned them of a common temptation—the temptation to think that prayer
10 hours ago
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