Tim Keller gives a great answer:
We run from the presence of God and therefore God actively gives us up to our desire (Romans 1:24, 26.) Hell is therefore a prison in which the doors are first locked from the inside by us and therefore are locked from the outside by God (Luke 16:26.) Every indication is that those doors continue to stay forever barred from the inside. Though every knee and tongue in hell knows that Jesus is Lord (Philippians 2:10-11,) no one can seek or want that Lordship without the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 12:3.This is why we can say that no one goes to hell who does not choose both to go and to stay there. What could be more fair than that?
2:00 AM
Guess what? There is no evidence for Hell.
It is all made up.
The New Testament may talk about 'Tartarus', but that was made up bt Greek philosophers.
See you in Valhalla!
2:45 PM
Oh, thanks for enlightening me. That defeats the whole argument. I won't write about it anymore.
Perhaps you could offer an actual argument instead of just dismissing the whole thing in 6 words.
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