Sometimes I find myself lost and confused in a sea of information and data bytes that is the world we live in with its internet and exponential daily growth. There is no way anyone can keep up with the amount of information that you are bombarded with every day, much less the amount of information that we are missing every day, which is gargantuan.
Sometimes I feel like I'm searching for all this information, whilst in my peculiar daily philosophical meanderings that I call a search for truth and learning, even one small bit of this sea of information, and trying to grasp onto it, but once I grab hold there is the next monumentally crucial task of knowing what to do with it.
And once I know what to do with it, there is the next painful task of knowing how it relates to the one I just got done with, and so on until there appears a shape through the fog that all this small bits often seem to be pointing to.
Sometimes I can feel that I'm getting near some grand truth that signs and quotes and points are pointing me to, but I can never quite grab a hold of it and it slips through my fingers and out of sight, out of mind. I have nothing much specific to say here, but it is an itch that constantly bugs me, that the scratches of reading and listening and discussing can never quite satisfy. I guess our knowing is limited and that is that. But how can we know our knowing is limited? Maybe we can't, but that would seem to prove the statement anyway.
Just some more random thoughts.
What the crap...
Arrogance & Eloquence
[image: Eloquence]When Jesus's disciples asked for instruction on prayer,
he warned them of a common temptation—the temptation to think that prayer
10 hours ago
2:52 PM
My experience in life points to us knowing and learning but never
knowing and learning it all. We are told that we will only "know in
part" this side of heaven and one day we will "clearly" see. I know you
know this, but I think sometimes we get on a mission and sort of forget
it. Also, I want to ask, what is your purpose in "knowing"? The
scriptures say to get understanding, get, it seems to
me that any information or knowledge that we get is only beneficial to
us if we apply it to our everyday lives. Right? I mean, there are lots
of people who read, study, memorize, etc and forget that the purpose of
this knowledge is to provide a tool to be used by the Holy Spirit to
guide us into right living, worship, love.....
Application is really big with me personally....there are lots of people
who are "puffed up" with knowledge and have no wisdom....does that make
sense? I'm not accusing YOU of this, but just making a point that we are
to use God's word to teach us, convict us, direct us, and that we are
changed from glory to glory as we learn it and apply it. Like a baby, we
grow on the milk, then the meat, and we hopefully keep growing til God
has accomplished His purpose for our life. I applaud your efforts and am
so proud that this even matters to you...that you care and ponder and
desire to learn and grow.
"Thy word is a lamp unto my feet (for showing us the very next step to
take) and a light unto my path (the direction to go in) and I will hide
it in my heart that I might not sin against thee (application)."
What do you think of what I've said? Sometimes in life, things just
don't make sense because we cannot see the whole or big picture from
God's perspective. Sometimes we just don't get it and never will, but
have to trust that God will honor the desires of our hearts when they
are directed at getting to know Him better. He loves that you are
seeking Him and His ways through your readings and whether you feel like
it's making a difference or not...I can see it in you.
Maybe this is not even what your email below is about and I've totally
missed it...??? Sorry if that is the case..but hey, I contributed some
thoughts of mine...:)
2:56 PM
Wow, yes that was actually very insightful and really I know and believe this, that we only see dimly and know in part (1 cor. 13:12). I've sort of just been meditating for the past few years now on what it means to "know the truth", or to know anything. It's really an amazing truth, that we only know in part, to have been articulated by Paul so long ago, and it's still as true as ever today. But sometimes I guess I get so overwhelmed with all the questions that pop up in queue with all the other questions, and there aren't enough answers to go around, sometimes it's hard to believe that we have enough information, that is that we have enough information to know if we have enough information (hope that makes sense). Like, how do we know that we know? That's almost more profound than the actual knowing to me.
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