The TV tells us how to live

This is a very interesting quote I just read:

"Television is our culture’s principal mode of knowing about itself. Therefore—and this is the critical point—how television stages the world becomes the model for how the world is properly to be staged"—Neil Postman, Amusing Ourselves to Death (1985).

I don't know the full context within which this statement was made, but it appears to be saying that the way we think and the way we know things (in other words, our epistemology) is being shaped largely by the television.  And I think this is deadly accurate.  No longer do we read books and go to the library or to a university to hear professors and philosophers tell us their theories (I assume that's how they used to do it), we now just flip on the TV and have our worldviews handed to us via entertainment.  Watching TV is more of a philosophical journey than we may give it credit for, I don't think it's solely just entertainment.  It's a very interesting notion...what do you think?